Location/Equipment/Personal organisation
Filming day
Here this is where we are planning to begin filming and go to the chosen location in order to get our footage ready for the music video to be done. In this day we plan to go early in the morning in order so that we have the best light and also less distraction for when we are filming to make it easier in order to get the shots that we need. We are hoping that we will have the ideal weather which would be sunny or it could mean that we would have to postpone it to another day as shots will be harder do etc and are not part of the narrative.
The station that we are planning to do filming is at derelict train station as it shows a gritty, poor scenery and adds a real underground feel to as they are an underground band which relates together. The fact that they are going against the government the poor areas and gritty aspect to it help support and demonstrate their feeling to why they are against them now, this would help be effective in helping create the narrative to the music video.
The equipment that we plan to use is basically a Sony HDV camera to film our footage for the music video and along with that then have the tripod to help get the shots nessary for the music video from several different angles to convey different ideas and present the artists or the concept of the video.
As we are doing an indie rock genre based video, we will also being using the nessary instruments so this would be things such as guitars, drumkits this would be to conform to the indie rock genre video with the use of the close up shots on them playing their instruments, this would be meeting the target audience needs and expectations from the video. We will beign using other things such as amps, microphones, this is in order to make the performance of the actors to make the performance look more realistic and more professional like.
The personal organisation of the group will be basically that we will as a group have to book the studio that we are planning to film at in order to be able to get the footage of where the characters will be playing their instruments and conveying to the genre and following the uses and gratification theory of belonging as well as also espacism. We will need to organise all the people that will be taking part in the music video together and make sure they know the venue etc as well as the equitment needed and what they will be doing in there scenes. This will require a short amount of rehersal in order for the day to run smoothly and effectivley so we can get all the shots and not need to do it again.
We will have make sure that everyone knows also where the venue is and that everyone participating in it will have the neessary details and know where it is.
The characters involved in the music video would be the three chosen members of Joe, Harley and Conor, there characters are based on the typical indie rock look so they appear more rugged and rebellious in their look and their appeal, this is the conveyed view of people in the indie rock genre, the clothing of the indie rock genre will be genereally simple clothing so things such as hoodies etc. There personlity are convey in they way they present themselves in the photos so with the use of their facial experessions.

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